Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Volunteer need


Volunteers needed to teach basic computer skills to Worcester low
income people who are involved in a job search and trying to gain skills
toward obtaining employment. It is very exciting to empower these
people to achieve self-esteem and the skills necessary for them to become
economically independent.

Volunteers must be able to teach basic computer skills including basic
Microsoft Office software.
Including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and how to using Internet is also an
opportunity available to volunteers.

Thank you for your interest. Are you willing to teach? email me

the program detail:
We have a new program that we will be offering after January to help 30 residents of Great Brook Valley to assist them in finding a better job or return to school for more education and save money to buy a home.  He would like to offer computer classes to 10 of the 30 residents who may not have the necessary computer skills to further their career or education.  What do you think?

麻省華人褔音堂 Chinese Gospel Church 十一月宣教代禱事項

  麻省華人褔音堂 Chinese Gospel Church   十一月宣教代禱事項

   (A) Bill Eva
   1.Bill and Eva 的旅安全和健康
   (B) 請為云南扶贫宣道禱告
    1. 求神賜下更多的學生能持續來學校.    
    2. 求神在鄉村建立一個小型醫療診所.  
    3. 求神賜下更多的人來支持云南扶贫宣道事工.